Whois Privacy Protection, sometimes also called Privacy or Whois Privacy Protection, is a service that conceals the authentic contact info of domain registrants on WHOIS lookup websites. Without protection, the personal name, home address and email account of any domain name owner will be freely available. Giving fake info during the domain registration process or altering the authentic info afterwards will simply not work, as doing such a thing may result in the registrant losing their domain name ownership rights. The policies adopted by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, require that the WHOIS information must be correct and up to date all the time. The Whois Privacy Protection service was launched by registrar companies as a response to the increasing concerns about possible identity theft. If the protection service is activated, the domain registrar’s contact info will be displayed instead of the registrant’s upon a WHOIS check. Most domain names support the Whois Privacy Protection service, even though there are some country-code ones that don’t.

Whois Privacy Protection in Shared Hosting

Enabling the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain name registered with our company is surprisingly easy if you’ve got a shared hosting plan. You can do this through the exact same Hepsia Control Panel, via which you administer your hosting account – you’ll just need to visit the Registered Domains section where all your domains will be listed and to click the “Whois Privacy Protection” button, which will be available for each generic or country-code TLD that supports the Whois Privacy Protection service. This is also the place where you can renew the Whois Privacy Protection service or disable it altogether – in case you would like to transfer a particular domain to a different registrar company. With the Whois Privacy Protection service, you can hide your personal or business contact details with just several clicks of the mouse and stop worrying that your info might be acquired by unsolicited people.

Whois Privacy Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you choose to order a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you will be able to add Whois Privacy Protection to any of your domains by completing several simple steps. If you register or transfer a domain during the account order procedure, you can get the service along with the domain name. In case you skip this step and you change your mind at a later time, you can order the Whois Privacy Protection service from the Hepsia Control Panel’s Registered Domains section, via which you can manage the whole semi-dedicated account. This is also the place where you can enable Whois Privacy Protection for all other domains that you register through our company after the signup procedure. Renewing or removing the Whois Privacy Protection service is just as simple and will take no more than a few clicks.