Perl is a well-liked web-oriented computer programming language, which is designed to create CGI scripts and also many different apps. It is very handy since you do not need to create the very same program code over and over again to have some task executed several times, instead you'll be able to work with modules. They're pre-defined subroutines or sets of activities which can be called and executed within a script. This means that, you can add only a reference to a given module inside your code instead of using the entire module code time and time again. In this way, your script will be shorter, thus it will be executed more rapidly, not mentioning that it will be much simpler to maintain or modify. When you would like to take advantage of some third-party ready-made Perl script instead of writing your own, it'll probably need specific modules to be pre-installed on the web hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Hosting

Over 3400 Perl modules are readily available if you buy any of our shared hosting plans. You're able to use as many as you'd like and we've made sure that we offer all of the preferred ones, plus many others that might not be used that much, but can be a requirement for some third-party web app that you need to use or for a custom-made script to function properly. LWP, URI, GD, CGI::Session and Image::Magick are only a few examples of the modules you'll be able to access. You are able to see the full list in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel as well as the path that you should set within your scripts, so they can use the module library. Using our shared packages, you can employ any type of Perl-based script without any limitations.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers

With over 3400 Perl modules pre-installed on our cloud hosting platform, you'll be able to run virtually any script application developed in this programming language without a problem irrespective of the semi-dedicated server package that you select. The abovementioned applies for both pre-made applications that you find online and for in-house built ones that you write. We provide such a multitude of modules for two reasons - first of all, to give you a choice in respect to what characteristics you'll be able to add to your apps and sites and secondly, to ensure that in case you want to use a ready script, it'll run properly whatever the modules it will require. For this reason, many of the modules included in our library are very popular while others are employed rarely. You can find a list of all the modules inside your website hosting Control Panel in addition to the access path that your scripts need so as to use these modules.