Memcached is a data caching platform, which has been gaining in popularity lately due to its effectiveness. It’s used to cache queries and replies between a database and the app that is using it, which can accelerate the overall performance of your site and decrease the produced load substantially. Anytime a webpage on an application-powered website is visited, the app connects to the database and "asks" what information should be shown, and then pulls it. With Memcached, these procedures are skipped, since the platform has already cached all of the content that should be displayed on a given page. In case any content is changed, the Memcached content is updated too, so the visitors will never see outdated content. The platform is an ideal choice for any site that draws plenty of viewers, since it will make it faster than light and will improve the overall user experience.

Memcached in Shared Hosting

You can make use of the Memcached memory caching system with all shared hosting plans offered by us. It is available as an optional upgrade, which you can obtain with just a few mouse clicks via your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. It requires a PHP extension, which is already installed on our cloud platform, so you can start using the Memcached caching system as soon as you order it. The upgrade is separated into two parts, which will offer you more flexibility depending on the websites that you want to use it for. The first part defines the number of the sites that will use Memcached, or the so-called ‘instances’, whereas the second one is related to the system memory, i.e. to how much content the system will be able to cache. You can order more memory in increments of 16 megabytes and the more memory you’ve ordered, the more data will be cached, which may be a really good idea for traffic-heavy sites with very large databases and lots of visitors. In this way, you can optimize the loading speed of any script-powered website hosted on our servers without efforts.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can add the Memcached object caching platform to any of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans that we are offering and make use of its full capacity for any script-driven website hosted by us. The upgrade is available through the Hepsia Control Panel and you can select two things – the number of instances and the amount of memory. These things show the number of the websites that can use the Memcached platform and how much memory it will use to cache your info. You can choose them separately, since one instance is not linked to a fixed amount of memory, so you can use a lot of memory for a single resource-intensive website, for instance. This upgrade comes in increments of 16 MB and you can get as much memory as you need. The Memcached platform can be used with any script-driven website regardless of its type, including those that are based on widespread web apps like Drupal, WordPress or Joomla, and a lot of companies such as Zynga and Wikipedia are already using it to accelerate the loading speed of their websites.

Memcached in VPS Servers

When you get a VPS server from us, you will be able to use Memcached at no additional cost, as the data caching platform is available with all VPS servers ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. Even if you run large-scale sites, you’ll be able to improve their overall performance effortlessly and the lowered load on your VPS server will permit you to continue using your current Virtual Private Server plan instead of migrating to a more powerful one. The amount of system memory that the Memcached platform can use to store data depends on the package that you’re using, but even with a less powerful one, you will get at least several hundred megabytes, which is considerably more than the amount of memory you’d get with a shared package, so the website performance boost will be significant. You can take advantage of the Memcached platform with any database-driven application, regardless of whether you have created it on your own or you’re using a ready-to-use one such as Joomla, WordPress or OpenCart.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

You can unleash the full potential of Memcached with each dedicated server that we are offering in case you choose Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel. A special Control Panel section is dedicated to the content caching system and you can start using Memcached for any Internet site hosted on the server with only a couple of clicks. You can accelerate the overall performance of any Internet site, regardless of what script-driven web app you are using or how heavy the site is, since the minimum amount of system memory that Memcached will be able to use is three gigabytes and this amount rises immensely with the more powerful servers. Soon after the system is activated, it will begin caching data anytime somebody opens your website, so, once enough information has been stored, you will see the reduced load and the enhanced overall performance of the website. Memcached is used by numerous websites, including popular portals like Zynga, Wikipedia and Reddit, which demonstrates the efficiency of the caching system.