Sender Policy Framework, or SPF, is a validation system, which is intended to stop the so-called e-mail spoofing where an e-mail message can be sent from one address, but to look as being sent from a different, typically with the idea to scam the recipient for some reason. When SPF protection is activated for a domain name, a special record is created for it in the Domain Name System and all DNS servers worldwide receive it. The record includes all of the e-mail servers that are allowed to send authentic messages from an email address part of the domain. When an email is sent, the very first DNS server it goes to verifies the SPF record and when the sending server is permitted, the message is forwarded to the targeted destination. In case, however, the sending server doesn't exist in the SPF record for the given domain, the e-mail message will not be forwarded and it will be removed. Whenever you use this service, it'll stop third parties from sending spam messages that seem to have been sent by you.

SPF Protection in Shared Hosting

SPF protection can be enabled for each domain name hosted in a shared hosting account on our cloud hosting platform with no more than a couple of mouse-clicks. The feature can be found in the Emails section of our advanced Hepsia Control Panel and what is needed to use it is to pick one of your domain names from a drop-down list and then type in the hostnames along with the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the mail servers that will be authorized to send messages from your emails. As an added option you can even restrict the emails to be sent from your domain only when it has our MX records, in other words if our servers handle the emails for it, not a third-party supplier. This solution will provide you with the highest standard of safety, but it's not applicable in case only your web site is on our servers while your e-mail addresses for the domain name are handled in a different place. In either case, the SPF protection service will keep your email addresses safe from being used for spam and/or scam purposes.

SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, that comes as standard with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans, offers you a really user-friendly interface to activate the SPF protection service for every domain name that you host inside your new account. A few clicks in the Emails section of Hepsia will be enough for that and you will only have to type in the hostname and the IP address of the mail server which will be permitted to send messages from your e-mails. In case the email messages are handled on our end and not by a different supplier, you'll be able to boost the security level even further and take advantage of an option for all the outgoing emails to be sent only if your domain names use our MX records. This option will provide you with better control and it will eliminate any possibility of someone forging your e-mails with the intention of spamming and scamming people. It is not applicable if only your website is on our cutting-edge cloud web hosting platform, while your e-mail addresses are managed by a different service provider. If you are not sure what features to select, our technical support staff will help you 24/7.