E-mail Aliases in Shared Hosting
It is possible to make many email aliases with the shared hosting plans we provide. Adding an alias to any existing mailbox in your account takes a couple of clicks and you can also generate or remove aliases at any moment. This is done with the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which is used to control your web hosting accounts. The option will save you time when you need to control the digital communication for different sections, each one having its very own e-mail address. If you send an answer to a client, they will receive the email coming from the alias, not from the main email address linked to the mailbox. For people with many websites and emails, it is possible to combine working with aliases together with our e-mail forwarding feature as it might be far more convenient and time-saving to get all messages in one place.
E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers
You'll be able to set up and employ aliases effortlessly for people with a semi-dedicated server account with our company and we handle the mail service for your domain names. It will take a handful of clicks with the Emails part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel to add or delete an alias for a specific mailbox and you are able to generate as many aliases as you want for any specific objective. For example, for those who manage a site with many areas in which you provide a number of services, you can make a different alias and all of the emails sent for all divisions can go to the very same mailbox for simpler management and processing. Of course, if some of the e-mails are supposed to go to a person in charge of a particular service, it is easy to mix working with aliases with our email filters as well as email forwarding.